Saturday, June 11, 2016

Is killing animals on the grounds of overpopulation really justified ?

Killing Nilgai as a vermin is like applying bandaid to a person who is badly injured all over the body. You are only trying to address the symptoms and not looking at the disease or the causes of injury.

Unlike the killing of animals for either food or for self defence, vermin killing is neither. Rather it is about a territorial fight between humans and animals. When humans kill vermin on reasons of overpopulation, they forget to look within. It is actually the human population which is growing unchecked.

More importantly, it is not just about quantitative numbers. What really aggravates the situation is that human needs and desires are growing in more than exponential manner. To fulfill these needs and desires, humans are going all over the place, cutting trees and forests, occupying grasslands, going into the ocean with huge fishing trawlers, killing whales and sharks and destroying coral reefs which existed for millions of years, polluting the air, aggravating global warming and so on.

The underlying causes are man made, and need to be addressed at that level rather than by killing hapless animals.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Climate Change

A picture says a thousand words !
It is only early April yet, and our rivers have gone dry, or going dry. We are cutting our trees and forests and the cover from the burning sun is no longer available. And yet we choose to bury our heads in sand. Instead of talking about the ground reality of climate change, we debate about the need for saying Bharat mata Ki Jai .
Picture clicked while travelling in central India


Death takes one away from this world, but in many instances like in the case of martyrs, it continues to be remembered for its cause.

Heavenly landscape

The first rays of the sun are often considered quite sacred, especially in oriental culture. This man takes an early morning holy dip in Poovar Lake in Kerala and bows to offer prayers to natural elements and heavenly bodies.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Here is a photo story which captures a few hues from the spirit of Kolkata. 

    The hotel and the cigarette shop. So many people share limited spaces and coexist.

Early winter morning in Kolkata and the street cart puller is already on the streets looking out for work.

Picture taken on the banks of the river Hooghly captures the stillness of the city. Things go on at a relatively easy pace and people seem to be content and focussed on more important spiritual and intellectual matters.

The pile of banana skins on the ground suggests that this fruit seller has done brisk business since morning. He looks a bit relaxed while taking this break and may soon get back to handing over the next fruit bowl to a hungry passer-by, hopefully after washing his hands !  

While all others in this scene are busy trying to catch some action which is going on towards the periphery, the young boy in the middle seems to be uninterested and preferring a quick body stretch.
Each person in the frame is having some or the other expression, be it quizzical or smiling, and that is what makes this photo interesting.

Typical double decker shop on the streets of Kolkata. The panwalla (betel leaf seller) is occupying the top deck while the chaiwala (tea seller) occupies the basement.

So much happens in so little space on the streets of Kolkata. A small rundown hotel  next to the shop selling plastic items. The darkness from within the cramped hotel contrasts with the multiple coloured hues of the plastic pieces.

The fruits in the city of joy are all so sweet, even if they are sold on the roadside. The man with the sling bag on his shoulder is having a good fruit break and the fruit seller is busy stacking up the cut fruits in the golden glow of the afternoon sun.

This tobacco leaf seller is so much at peace with his life. It is afternoon time and he is enjoying the lull period, reading the newspaper.
Wonder why we keep on running all the time ! Relax, man !

Joy, faith, stillness, humanity, use whichever adjective you want, but one must say that Kolkata has multiple and, in many senses unique, hues. The ethos of this city is indeed intriguing.