Saturday, June 11, 2016

Is killing animals on the grounds of overpopulation really justified ?

Killing Nilgai as a vermin is like applying bandaid to a person who is badly injured all over the body. You are only trying to address the symptoms and not looking at the disease or the causes of injury.

Unlike the killing of animals for either food or for self defence, vermin killing is neither. Rather it is about a territorial fight between humans and animals. When humans kill vermin on reasons of overpopulation, they forget to look within. It is actually the human population which is growing unchecked.

More importantly, it is not just about quantitative numbers. What really aggravates the situation is that human needs and desires are growing in more than exponential manner. To fulfill these needs and desires, humans are going all over the place, cutting trees and forests, occupying grasslands, going into the ocean with huge fishing trawlers, killing whales and sharks and destroying coral reefs which existed for millions of years, polluting the air, aggravating global warming and so on.

The underlying causes are man made, and need to be addressed at that level rather than by killing hapless animals.