Saturday, October 31, 2015


In the context of wildlife sightings, often chance plays a big role. I was spending an early morning walking around a lake, clicking the birds perched on trees and on some of the rocks jutting about in the lake, when all of a sudden I saw a different type of movement in the water.
There were some ripples causing a wonderful pattern on the water surface and yet there was hardly any sound. Eyes had to be focussed more closely and ditto was the case with the camera lens.
Suddenly a sharp and clear picture emerged ……a snake silently slithering through just below the water surface ! Took several pictures, but the one which stood out for me was this one, with the head just above the water, the eye seen clearly and the colourful skin combining with the contrasting water ripples and the weeds with a mild glow of early morning light, all together giving me a beautiful composition.

For me, it was my first click of a snake and that too in water, and just as in case of so many joys which you get for the first time, a euphoric feeling, to remain in memory for long !

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