Saturday, October 31, 2015


All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all !
Sometimes simple creatures bring out so many wonderful perspectives.

Came across this dragon fly, while doing one of my early morning rounds. It continued hovering all over the place, jumping from one bush to another, and making me follow it and not allowing me the opportunity to aim the camera.
After sometime it probably realised that it had a fan following in me and offered me a few moments to take some snaps.
Zoomed the lens a bit, played around with the focus, looked for a suitable setting for the composition, click, click, click and waited for the picture to emerge……
…..the light blue coloured head perched atop a helicopter modelled body, finely detailed black patterns creating wonderful designs on the wings and, all this, contrasting with the green leafy background…..
…….I get more and more hooked to the wonders of photography with each passing day !

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