Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My trip to Hesaraghatta grass lands

The search results for birding hotspots around Bangalore mentioned some frequently visited places - Nandi Hills, Valley School campus near Kanakapura Road and Hesaraghatta Grasslands. After a lot of deliberations, decided to go for Hesaraghatta, presuming that the probability of bird sighting on a larger grasslands could be that much more.

Started from home around 6.15 am (from J P Nagar) and took the NICE road to Tumkur Road. From Tumkur Road took right towards Dasarahalli signal and took left from there for about 15 odd kms to reach Hesaraghatta lake.

The sight of the lake was awesome and in a perfect natural setting. My web search tells me that the lake had dried up for several years in the past and had only filled up with the bountiful rains of last year.

Anyways, started off in earnest on the foot trail around the lake for my first serious birding quest in Bangalore. The beginning was not bad with a few sightings of common birds seen around water bodies.

The place was desolated and there was no one around for miles. Felt a bit scared especially considering that the entire area is BWSSB property and there was a notice for tresspassing not allowed. Discretion being the better part of valour, gathered my equipment and came back to the car. 

As I started again, saw some notice boards giving directions for Taj Kuteeram and Eco Village. Thought about giving it a try and started towards Eco Village. Never realised that the real fun part had started then. The route towards Eco Village is set amidst nature and the small road takes you towards the real grasslands. It is really unbelievable that so near to Bangalore is a place that almost resembles Savannah environment. For miles and miles you just see grasslands and shrubs and no human habitation around. 

Though there were not too many birds, but while I was driving around, stumbled across a beautiful bird (in fact a couple) and the clicks that I managed to get, made my day.

The setting was so natural, felt like staying there for few more hours. But then realisation dawned that my family is waiting back at home and grudgingly started on my return journey. The return trip till the main road yielded some more sightings.

All in all, a wonderful outing for me. Felt so good to be all alone amidst nature and returned home with a mental noting to return again .....hopefully sometime soon.

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